Register now for Camp LCTI!

Camp LCTI 2016 Mod Logo CroppedSCHNECKSVILLE, Pa. | Get ready for a summer full of STEM-focused fun and career exploration! Camp LCTI returns to Lehigh Career & Technical Institute this June with two, weeklong sessions.

Lehigh Valley campers in grades five through eight are welcome to join us for Session 1 (June 20-24), Session 2 (June 27-July 1) or both. Each Monday-through-Friday session costs $225 and campers registered by May 1 receive free Camp LCTI T-shirts.

We’re accepting credit cards this year, so parents can easily register their campers and pay online. Camp LCTI also accepts check, money order and cash payments.

During registration, campers choose four classes from a roster of 20, including Code Creators, Culinary Composers and Hair-Raising Experiments. Led by LCTI’s dedicated instructors, campers spend each day engaged in inventive activities that, in addition to employing science, technology, engineering and math, help campers explore career areas ranging from Carpentry to Web Design.

Learn more about Camp LCTI. Campers registered by May 1 get a free Camp LCTI T-shirt!

In Baking Basics, for example, campers will learn about the role science plays in making our favorite sweet treats so scrumptious. And in Inventioneering, campers will learn to think like engineers as they build a marble roller coaster.

LCTI hosts the camp each summer at its state-of-the art facilities in Schnecksville as a service to the Lehigh Valley and in an effort to expose more kids to career and technical education or CTE. Studies show that students who take CTE courses are more likely to graduate high school on time, get better grades in college and, ultimately, earn more than peers who have no CTE experience.

Camp LCTI’s per-session cost includes lunch for each camper and transportation to and from our 4500 Education Park Drive campus via bus stops in Allentown and Whitehall Townships.

Education Park Drive

Schnecksville, PA

Preparing all students for their personalized career pathway